Wednesday 3 October 2012

Inspiration for Mirrors for princes

For peradventure in all Italy a man shall have muche a do to fynde out so many gentlemen and noble personages that are so worthy, and besyde the principall profession of Chivalrye so excellent in sundry thinges, as are presently here.

Therfore if in any place men may be founde that deserve the name of good Courtyers, and can judge what belongeth to the perfeccion of Courtyership, by reason a man may beleve them to be here.

To disgrace therefore many untowardly asseheades, that through malepertnes thinke to purchase them the name of a good Courtyer, I would have suche a pastime for this night, that one of the company myght bee picked out who should take in hand to shape in woordes a good Courtyer, specifying all suche condicions and particuler qualities, as of necessitie must be in hym that deserveth this name. And in suche thinges as shall not appere necessarie, as of necessitie must be in hym that deserveth against them, as the maner of Philosophers schooles is against him that kepeth disputacions.
From Castiglione's Book of the Courtier

This text appears early in the Book of the Courtier, and inspired my 'salon discussion' at Raglan ffair this year. I love the idea of 'shaping in words a good Courtier'. The discussion revealed to me how much I didn't know about medieval and renaissance authors particularly authors of 'mirrors for princes', and prompted me to start the blog.

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